Our Commitment
Rest assured, MB2 Restore has you covered. Whether you have fire, water, or mold damage—or if you experience any natural or human disaster or equipment failure—our professional and dedicated team is right there with you. Our level of experience runs deep when it comes to all forms of loss and restoration services, and we accept and have worked with all insurance carriers, both nationally and locally, and have worked with private pay options. Commercial, residential, municipal, and investment—MB2 is here to help you through all steps of the mitigation and restoration process. Your peace of mind throughout any difficult situation is our priority.
- Full service mitigation
- Water, fire, mold emergency mitigation
- Board-up and repair
- 24-hour emergency line
- Rapid response time
- Dedicated and communicative property manager
- Climate controlled personal belongings storage facility
- Remodel, restoration, and custom work
- Start-to-finish customer priority